Well, now here's a thing. Issue 5 of The Absence has only gone and got shortlisted for Best Comic at the British Comic Awards!
I'm utterly blown away by the news and I'm so proud to be up there amongst so many great creators and books. It's a huge honour. And the fact Lenny bloody Henry (one of the final round of judges) will actually be reading my comic makes my head spin.
In other news, due to the publication of The Absence graphic novel by Titan next March, I've had to take the first three issues offline from Lulu. It's a shame, but I understand that it would damage sales of the collection. The last three issues will be available until Christmas when I'll also have to retire those.
(That said, I do have some spare copies of 1-3 kicking about so if anyone wants one, just drop me a line. But don't tell anyone else I told you that, right?)
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