Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Issue #3 available now!

I've had proof copies back and it all looks good, so if you'd like to buy a copy HERE'S THE LINK TO ISSUE #3 OF THE ABSENCE! Huzzah. There's also a permanent link over there on the right hand side >>

Once you've read it, please drop me a line and let me know what you think! Thanks!


  1. My copy came yesterday, which was pretty quick for Lula I thought, going to read it this weekend... looks very good though!

  2. Got my copy yesterday - fantastic stuff. A great build up, and cliff hanger (no pun intended). Really inspirational stuff.

    (Please don't let us wait too long for the next issue!)

  3. Awesome! Ryan: so pleased you enjoyed it! Thanks so much. I've just started a new business and I have a new baby on the way, but I'm gonna try and get #4 done by the end of the summer...

    Andy: Hope you enjoy it - let me know what you think!

    Cheers guys,

